Thursday, November 7, 2013

Meal Planning: Creating a Menu Board

 One thing that can be a headache when you're cooking for your family is meal planning. I've found a stress free solution to planning dinner for the week. Behold my weekly menu -

I made this to match my kitchen by using a piece of cardboard, scrapbooking paper, clothes pins and a Jiffy Corn Bread box.

First I cut a large rectangle from an old cardboard box. Then I used adhesive to stick scrapbooking paper over it. I glued clips to it with each day of the week. Then I covered the Jiffy box with scrapbooking paper and glued it onto the board.

For the meals I used plain color card stock. I sorted them by colors. Blue - Meaty meals, Grey - Mexican dishes, Orange - Easy meals, Green - Crockpot dinners and Yellow cars are misc.

On the back of each card I made a list of ingredients, so when I pick my weekly meals, making the shopping list is easy. I also wrote on the bottom corner where that particular recipe is located, so that when I go to cook it I know exactly where it is.

Everyone has their own "system" that works when it comes to grocery shopping. I find this method very easy and it works extremely well for my family. Our closest superstore is 30 minutes away, so when I go grocery shopping, I want to make sure I don't forget anything. This method is perfect for that! It helps me lay out everything I need for recipes for the week. All I do is copy down my ingredient list onto my shopping list and I'm set!

Find some of my menu recipes here!

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