Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Foods That Increase Lactation

Breastfeeding mommies, this post is for you! First of all, I know first hand how difficult it can be to work breastfeeding into your life, so you are awesome just for trying! Secondly, I'm well aware of the pressure you can feel to produce a decent amount of milk for your precious little one. So, to help you out I've decided to share with you some of the tips and tricks I used to get my milk production at its peak.

Make sure you're getting plenty of nutrients to eat. Believe it or not, when I first had my baby, I'd get so caught up in her routine that I'd forget to eat. Even if you have to write it on your to do list, make sure you're eating! :)

Along with eating, drinking plenty (10 - 12 glasses) of water is so important! I took my giant hospital cup and filled it up to sip on throughout the day. When it was empty, I'd just fill it up again. It made it easy for me to keep track of how much water I was drinking, because it has a measuring system on the side.

So now you might be wondering what foods to eat. Well, there are actually specific foods that are known to increase milk production and they actually worked pretty well for me.

- Carrots/Carrot Juice (Carrot Juice is best, but if you're like me and you don't have a juicer, then eating carrots is fine!)

-Sweet Potatoes

- Hummus

- Asparagus

- Spinach

- Almonds

- Oatmeal

- Garlic

- Mother's Milk Tea (This stuff worked miracles for me!! I HIGHLY recommend it if you're trying to boost your milk!)

- Fenugreek (This is the same supplement that is found in Mother's Milk Tea. You can find it at drug stores in the vitamin section)

These foods and supplements worked wonders for me. I hope you have success with them as well!

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for your teaching

    am Thobias Omega, a young boy from Tanzania,East Africa
    am your fan....
    Email: thobiasomega1@gmail.com
